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Feb 21, 2009

everything the super-rich could desire

everything the super-rich could desire (except good taste)

As the private elevator ascends the 22 floors to my suite, I ponder quite what one should expect when spending £14,000 for a night's stay.

I know my quarters are 3,000 feet square and feature three en-suite guest bedrooms, a living room the size of Norway and a phalanx of staff including a butler, a chef, a sous-chef and a dishwasher (in the form of a person, not a machine).

What I do not know - although I have my suspicions - is whether it will be in any way tasteful.

Atlantis Hotel

Garish: The Atlantis Hotel in Dubai has an aquarium with 65,000 marine creatures

What greets me when I reach the suite - 'room' is certainly not the word to use, perhaps 'hamlet' is more accurate - is a vision of staggering opulence.

From the vast balconies of The Bridge Suite - the flagship suite at Dubai's Atlantis Hotel - floor-to-ceiling windows look out one way over the Arabian Gulf and the other way to the Palm Jumeirah, the ambitious man-made archipelago in the shape of a date palm, which is home to hundreds of perma-tanned residents.

Inside the suite, vast chandeliers sparkle over an 18-seat dining table inlaid with gold leaf.

A four-poster bed perches in the centre of the gargantuan master bedroom, and a sweeping panelled hallway - which would not look out of place in the Palace at Versailles - links the football pitch- sized living room to the sleeping quarters.

Expensive it most certainly is. Whether it is elegant is a different question altogether.

It is so vast, I realise, that it would be possible to bring the family to stay for a week and never actually clap eyes on them.

Staying here is like being unwittingly trapped in an episode of Dynasty, certainly when it comes to the soft furnishings.

Atlantis Hotel

Huge: The hotel boasts 1,529 rooms, which cost between £400 and £14,000 a night

Allied to the unmistakable presence in the grounds below of the glamour model Jordan - who is being tootled around in a golf buggy - the impression I am beginning to get is that the hotel is rich, kitsch and more brassy than classy.

But then should we have expected anything less from the flagship suite of the Atlantis, the largest hotel in the Middle East, built at a cost of £750 million?

It's theme throughout is the legend of the ancient lost city - only with more gold plate.

While the rest of the world glumly surveys the fallout from the banking crisis and the soaring cost of household bills, this week the hotel started to admit guests to its luxury suites.

With prices for the cheapest rooms starting at £400 a night (suites rise from £850 a night to £14,000 for the opulent Bridge suite, not including a 10 per cent 'municipality charge' and 10 per cent service charge), a holiday here is not for those working out how to shave a few pounds off their bills.

This, though, is Dubai, a gaudy bauble of consumerism packaged in sweltering heat, a place where such material concerns are mere trifles.

Throw into this heady mix Sol Kerzner, the 'Sun King' tycoon who owns Atlantis, and it is obvious that his latest project was always going to be a monument to excess.

Kerzner bills his pink-hued hotel - which perches on the outermost point of the seven-mile breakwater surrounding the Palm - as 'the new gateway to Dubai'. The question, of course, is whether anyone will want to walk through it.

Palm Jumeirah archipelago

Ambitious: The man-made Palm Jumeirah archipelago is in the shape of a date palm

Bookings are said to be brisk, if the number of gawping hordes filling the corridors on opening night were anything to go by.

Reservations say the hotel is 80 per cent occupied until the end of November, while even the Bridge Suite is busy, with a number of bookings for ten to 14-night stays (including one family who have booked the rest of the floor for their entourage).

The first booking, according to excitable local rumour, is a British family with three sons, who have bagged it for a four-night stay in October, and who are widely believed to be - who else? - the Beckhams.

It would make sense: in many ways The Atlantis is a spiritual home from home for the likes of the Beckhams - gaudy, brash, big and expensive.

Above all, everything is huge, as if someone has taken the original plans and made them 20 times bigger. There are 1,529 bedrooms, the more exclusive of which have private windows onto the 'Ambassador's Lagoon', a massive aquarium in the centre of the hotel - containing a teeming mass of 65,000 marine creatures, including sharks, rays and angel fish.

Even the sculptures dotted around are neck-craningly large: the one in the main lobby stands 30 metres high, created using 3,000 hand-blown glass pieces individually placed to create an effect which is not unlike cascading multi-coloured spaghetti.

Over in 'Poseidon's Court', there is a ten-metre high viewing window into the Ambassador Lagoon, while further along another avenue-like corridor, guests can, if they are so inclined, wander through the 'Lost Chambers' of Atlantis.

Guests at the Atlantis can chose from 17 restaurants, four of them opened by 'celebrity chefs', including Giorgio Locatelli and Nobu Matsuhisa.

Dubai's Atlantis Hotel

Gaudy: The Atlantis Hotel is a place of breathtaking chutzpah where only the rich will feel at home

Unsurprisingly, celebrity prices accompany the menus. In the flagship Ossiano, run by three Michelin star chef Santi Santamaria, a plate of Mediterranean langoustine comes in at £47, or you can opt for fish tartare with caviar and yoghurt for just £28, while in the Seafire restaurant, steaks start at £22 but rise to £86 for Chateaubriand.

Of course, all of this takes a lot of water and a lot of fuel - the hotel's water park alone uses 18 million litres of freshwater to power its attractions - not to mention an awful lot of staff, 3,500 of them to be precise, all permanently polishing and sweeping and opening doors and grinning until their faces ache.

Alas, even with such admirable attention to detail, not even Mr Kerzner's many millions can safeguard against the vagaries of fate.

Two weeks ago, a fire in the lobby area, said to have been started by an careless mishap with a blowtorch, sent a section of the central dome billowing into flame. As a result, when I arrive a day before the official opening, I find things are alarmingly behind schedule.

Everywhere is a frenzy of activity, some of it of the construction variety. Men in blue uniforms bob about, sweeping, spraying, drilling and hammering.

In the main hall, around three dozen employees in overalls are forlornly trying to restore the shine on the marble floor, which has been dulled by the firefighters' hoses.

Outside, I note that two new palm trees have sprung up in the time it takes me to take a brief stroll around the pool.

No job is too small here, it seems: one man's work appears to consist entirely of sweeping sand off one of the entrance pathways. In the Ambassador lagoon outside, meanwhile, a scuba diver gamely bobs up and down hoovering up stray sand from the rocks.

There is certainly a lot of beach - the hotel has a 1.4 km private stretch, which is more than ample for a paddle. Less inviting is the view, which looks out over the building site that remains over much of The Palm archipelago.

Dubai's Atlantis Hotel

Luxury: A holiday here is not for those who want to shave a few pounds off their bills

Such concerns, however, seem to matter little to the guests at The Atlantis. As its first day draws to a close, the place is a hive of activity.

In the lagoon, the whale shark - rescued, it is said, only three weeks ago from the warm waters of the Gulf - swims around, no doubt rather baffled as to how it ended up here.

Over at the spa, all soft candles and tinkly music, French manicurist Bastien Gonzalez, hailed as the 'Messiah of the Naked Foot' by beauty gurus, is expounding his pedicure philosophy, imported to The Atlantis at the personal request of Sol Kerzner.

Somewhere around the hotel, the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, is shuffling down the corridors on an unofficial visit, complete with an entourage of 20. Downstairs, the luxury jewellery boutiques Harry Winston, Graff and Cartier are already doing a roaring trade.

So what to make of the Atlantis? It has indeed risen, like a modern wonder of the world, from the ocean floor - a place of breathtaking chutzpah where only the rich will feel at home, but where good taste appears to have checked out long before any of the guests have checked in.

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